24/7 emergency service
call us! (617) 625-4300
Serving the Greater Boston Area
Business Hours
Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Condensing boiler with indirect water heater
Domestic water booster system... installed under a finished family room floor!
The complete installation of a gas heating stove in a second floor unit.
We handled all carpentry, gas piping and permit application and fees.
This appliance is an attractive addition to the living room; heating the
space so the rest of the house can be left cooler to save on heating bills.
On demand water heater installed to provide client with TWO key benefits:
1) Uses 0 energy when the client travels and isn't home using hot water, and
2) Provides as much hot water as is needed when the client IS home, has
company, etc...
And look how compact!!
This is the installation of two 98% efficient Lochinvar AWN-151-PM domestic hot water heaters and two 120 gallon ASME storage tanks. This system provides the hot water for a 35 unit apartment building. The old system ran off of the oil fired building heat boiler. This boiler which had to run all summer kept the apartments around and above the boiler room nice and warm all summer long, UGHHHHHH, and used an amazing 17 gallon per hour of heating oil! The fuel cost saving, cash rebates, quiet operation, and building comfort will be welcome relief.